the power of words
there is much truth in this statement… many current sources that influence other people’s lives through their words seem to do so without care, without thought or else with deliberate malice/self-interest/manipulative-intent aforethought. I think it’s true that great care should be taken in the words we use when we are trying to communicate clearly and […]
imagining God
a brief response prompted by the query (above) spotted on social media: If such a Thing that some call God ‘exists’ it is ineffable. (i.e. “too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.” — as defined by Oxford Languages on Google) Some suggest that God is all-powerful (omnipotent), and knows-all (omniscient), but […]
two lessons: the devil may be in the detail but heaven could be the result
Ricky Gervais the comedian and atheist has a (to me) very funny stand-up routine that pokes fun at the inconsistencies in Genesis and what appears to be the obvious flaws in allegorical tale…but I also like to think that at its heart Genesis has a ‘key thought’ that seems to be increasingly relevant as humanity […]
what is God? or what if God is…?
So, what is God? Or rather What if God is…? Some would suggest it’s a ‘big’ question but …here is a simple record of a recent social media post (I made) and the ‘beginnings’ of some philosophical musings about what (the thing that some people refer to as) God may be… If you’d prefer you […]
a poet’s plight | an ironic short poem
Ironically inspired by a ‘visitor from Porlock’ this short poem refers to the individual who even caused the tale of Kubla Khan to be cut short… 🙂
blowing bubbles | a philosophical poem
I am fascinated by the notion of that particular thing that divides H. sapiens from other ‘beings’ on this small planet, circling a modest Sun, in an unremarkable ‘solar system’, one of billions in the galaxy we call the ‘Milky Way’ which itself is only one of billions of galaxies spread throughout the cosmos within […]