written during the period of UK elections in the wake of ‘brexit’ and the pandemic management debacle — which included the wilful killing of thousands of elderly people, who were drugged to death so that they could be added to the largely fictitious ‘covid’ toll in order to boost the narrative that corrupt politicians and corporate profiteers needed so that they could continue to convince people to accept the extended ‘social control experiment’ that they had evidently been planning and dreaming to try-out, in preparation (no doubt) for worse to come…
in these days of a flood of existential threats, many are drowning not waving…

In roiling seas of gender fluid
The ship of the terminally feckless
Heads for the rocks of despair
Where hopes are dashed
But a social security cheque’s still cashed
In oceans of incessant confusion
Children claim that they are cats
And only those who dare to see
Just how the world is going mad
Are the ones denounced as bad
In rivers of endless deceit
With chains about their feet
Those who still have ‘common sense’
Take a last, hapless gasp of breath
Before their imminent watery death
In infinite streams of insanity
The remnants of a once great land
Writhe, screaming as they drown
Caught between two desultory stools
On which sit corrupt puppets and/or fools
And so once proud Britannia sinks
Beneath the waves that she once claimed to rule
Sunk by a leaden weight, the sorrows
Of 60 million bloated corpses laid bare
Who once sang they would not be slaves…
Yet slaves they ever were!