Poetry is one of those odd things, at least for me, and I am rather hesitant even to claim such a nomenclature for my occasional and arguably questionable efforts… in that they are typically rhymes, and usually rather silly ‘nonsense verses’, most likely aimed a ‘younger reader’, but this is not always the case.
The strange thing for me, though, is that the poetic creations that I have managed to craft over the years have been sporadic, and also unexpected… sometimes a line will just present itself in my mind, then another, and ‘quite suddenly’ a whole poem has emerged without beckoning it… In a sense I liken them to the thousands of ‘doodles and sketches’ that also present themselves in an almost ‘automatic writing’ kind of way and that almost always litter my desk!
Here is one such effort that first started to ‘come through’ on 13th November 2021… and then the rest appeared on the morning of the 14th. It’s just a light-hearted verse that aims to be amusing (I think, and hope) but it uses kind of extended ‘Limerick’ style pattern along with a repeated rhyme sequence… again, something that just evolved ‘out of the ether’ with just a dash of conscious effort to avoid using only rhyming couplets! ‘Love’s Spectacles(s)’… when one man’s fancy is inspired by the fecundity of spring, he is almost too short sighted to realize ‘love is blind’…