This poem arrived as ever unexpectedly but, I suppose, inspired by looking into the self-growth and development philosophy that one often needs to ‘look inside’ to find the answers one is looking for.
Although this item manifested itself employing some fairly well-worn metaphors, I think that there may be something meaningful in it, at least insofar as I do believe that one of ‘Man’s’ main problems in this current era is the fact that ‘we’ have too much knowledge and too little wisdom’…
We insist on pushing scientific boundaries, without really asking if it is the right, best or appropriate thing to do… and even though some may suggest that we do so at our own very real peril…
Just two examples in 2021, include the competitive pursuit of the development of ‘Artificial Super-intelligence’, and the cobbling together genetic hybrids and chimeras that are enhanced pathogens an not only doing these things employing dubious and questionable logic, but also undertaking such species-survival threatening activity in environments with known poor safety or ethical track records!…
Yet this short poem address the personal need to look inside and make the neceassry changes in order to begin to soar …and potentially aspire to reaching greater spiritual heights…