a brief response prompted by the query (above) spotted on social media:
If such a Thing that some call God ‘exists’ it is ineffable. (i.e. “too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.” — as defined by Oxford Languages on Google)
Some suggest that God is all-powerful (omnipotent), and knows-all (omniscient), but what this truly implies is beyond any mortal’s full comprehension, just as the concept of our ‘milky way’ galaxy being at least 100,000 light years wide (around 1 million, million, million kilometers — indeed it is now thought that the furthest outer-reaches mean it may be closer to 200,000 light years across) is beyond our ability to visualize/conceptualize.
There is a lot of ‘nonsense’ spouted about ‘God’ that stems from the tendency for humans to anthropomorphize any Entity that could be considered as such a Thing. Most of that ‘nonsense’ derives from the efforts of one group of humans trying to impose control over a larger group of humans (sometimes for good reasons but frequently with less benign objectives).
But, for us, trying to ‘imagine’ what God may be is like one of the circa-50 trillion bacteria that inhabit our own bodies trying to imagine what the human body is, what the organs outside of the one it resides in (such as the gut) are like or how the human brain works!…
The fact is that we are just as insignificant, and just as incapable of truly realizing what God is as that bacterium would be of ‘imagining’ what the human that it resides within looks like!
‘as above so below’… but also ‘as without, so within’… I dare to suggest!