jotted in response to a social media post — namely (screenshot):

In all probability we all simply play a cosmically short and intrinsically minor role in the process of the One Source of everything, the Supreme Consciousness (the thing that some people like to refer to as God) experiencing itself through the billions of explicit incarnated beings thinking, feeling, seeing and doing within the material context of the Universe that we ‘perceive’ that we exist within.

I just think it may be rather disappointing for many (often inherently proud, arrogant and overly self-absorbed) humans to have to accept that (1) Their actual purpose is, essentially, not their own and (2) Their ‘role’ is infinitesimally small and unremarkable.

In respect of ‘where does it all end’ — well most probably in a return to singularity perhaps after many hundreds of billions of (what we think of as) years (but in actuality, of course, there is no such thing as Time). At this moment, when the process concludes, the One Source may ‘decide’ it will ‘play the game’ all-over-again — and the cycle will commence once more… and so on, ad infinitum!

(EDIT: Of course with respect to the notion about what happens to ‘us’ when we die… then as each of is contains a fragment or rather ‘fractal’ of the Supreme Consciouness’ ‘spiritual energy’, and as energy cannot be created or destroyed it will ‘recycle’ and continue, most likely, to be implemented into yet another ‘conscious being’. This may not be a simple matter of, what some think of as, ‘reincarnation’ as the next being will not be ‘you’ but will be another vessel that is being employed by the One Source to continue with its eternal process of ‘self-experience’.)