Just a quick thought, essentially a response to a facebook post trying to logically (but erroneously) argue that ‘God cannot exist’, but the short thesis below is perhaps apposite to the season:
Many good wishes to all who stumble on this blog and may 2025 be a blessed year for you all… especially given the various existential threats we are daily reminded of by the mainstream and social media:

“If there is something that might be called (by some) God — It is not a ‘he’ and It is not ‘perfectly loving’… purely and simply put: God is Love. There is a difference and hence your logic (as stated) is flawed.
Every human has the freedom to choose to believe there is such a thing as God, or not. Those who do believe and let God (Love) into their life have the opportunity to become ‘perfectly loving’ themselves… which implies (1) Loving themself (2) Living according to the Golden Rule (3) Being loving, and forgiving, to all others (i.e. even those they may consider an enemy).
Naturally some may well observe that they know people who are atheist yet are ‘perfectly loving’ — If questioned “Do you believe there is a God?” they will presumably say “No”. But if asked “Do you believe in Love?” many (if not all) will say “Yes”. In this respect anyone who lets ‘Love’ into their life has let God into their life, whether they know it, or accept it, or not… it does not matter. What matters is that they live and act in a loving way… therefore they make the world a better place
It is a very common mis-conception to imagine God in an anthropomorphized way, and this can limit the ability to begin to realize what God truly is.”